Thursday 4 October 2012 Posted by AGUS MAKSUM 3 comments »

Lha Kok Nongol Iklan?; Sungguh Bukan Dari Motoroda

Baru sore ini buka blog, kok ada iklan yang tampil dalam postingan. Padahal Motoroda tidak memasang script apapun.

Coba gugling, rupanya Iklan dari Wordpress. Rupanya Wordpress cari duit dari iklan juga to. :D

Tapi mbok ya bagi-bagi dikit sama empunya tulisan lah. :mrgreen:

Ada yang pernah mengalami?

"About These Ads The site you just visited is part of WordPress .com. There are two reasons why you might see ads on a WordPress. com site :

1. The site is part of the WordAds program and has
elected to show ads to earn
money from their site.

2. The site is one of the free sites hosted on, and we are running ads to cover the costs of operating the site for the user .

We run these types of ads sparingly in an attempt to interfere as little as possible with the experience of reading a site and for logged in users we don’t show ads at all. There’s more info about our approach to ad serving in this blog post.

In both of the above cases , the ad 8you saw could be coming from a number of ad partners including Sharethrough, Federated Media, or AdSense . The ads change
depending on factors like your
location and the type of site you are visiting .

If you are a WordPress .com user and you would like to
permanently remove all ads from your site, please take a look at our No Ads upgrade."



Yoshi Says:

semua blog papan atas ada iklannya bro, lihat saja tmc dan iwb. Kalo dah ada iklannya berarti sudah diperhitungkan oleh wp.

Motoroda Says:

Kirain yang di blog kondang itu sengaja dipasang. :D
tapi yang disini udah ngilang lagi. salah alamat kali ya om WP. :mrgreen:

nzahry Says:

Minta Royaltinya Bozz ke WP... he..he...

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